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Congratulations to IRFA President, Enos Ngutshane on his appointment as the chairperson of the CCMA Governing Body

Congratulations to IRFA President, Enos Ngutshane on his appointment as the chairperson of the CCMA Governing Body

The Management Board and staff of the Institute of Retirement Funds Africa are proud to congratulate our President, Enos Ngutshane on his appointment as the chairperson of the CCMA Governing Body.

The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) is a dispute resolution body established in terms of the Labour Relations Act, 66 of 1995 (LRA). It is an independent body, does not belong to and is not controlled by any political party, trade union or business. The Governing Body is the supreme policy making body of the CCMA and consists of a chairperson, three state representatives; three representatives from organised labour and three representatives from organised business; all of whom are nominated by NEDLAC and the Director of the CCMA nominated by the Governing Body.
An authority in corporate governance, local government, rail safety and occupational health and safety, Enos Ngutshane has worked for institutions such as, Gauteng Government as Deputy Director General (HOD), Wits Business School as lecturer, and as CEO for the South African Foundation for Public Management. He has also served a trustee and a chairperson of the PRASA Provident Funds for number of years.

His milestone achievements include the establishment of the Public and Development Management Programme Faculty at Wits University, strategic business re-engineering, human capital development, large scale change and transformation, policy development and implementation, public transport management, pension fund investments and corporate governance.
In addition to leading the IRFA Board, Enos serves on the management board of the South African Special Risk Insurance Association (SASRIA) and holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Administrative Studies and a Masters in Public Administration from the University of Liverpool.


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